In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Friday, March 07, 2025


The white lily - the legend of the flower


The white lily


According to legend, Lilium candidum - the white lily sprang from a drop of milk that fell to the ground when Hera was breastfeeding Hercules. Indeed, as Hercules was the son of god Zeus and mortal Alkmene, Zeus demanded Hercules to be nursed from the breast of his wife, goddess Hera, to become immortal. While she was sleeping, he put the baby on her breast, and when the baby was nursing, a few drops of milk ended up creating the Milky Way in the universe, and the drops that fell to the ground were called white lilies.

According to the Bible, the Easter lily grew in the garden of Gethsemane, where Judas betrayed Jesus. According to the legend, the white lily appeared where drops of Christ’s tears and sweat fell to the ground from the cross. The white lily is the symbol of purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the legend, after three days of Mary’s death, the whole bunch of beautiful white lilies appeared on her tomb.
In a different feminine context, the lily had an important place in the Paradise of Adam and Eve. According to the legend, when Eve was leaving the Garden of Eden, she shed tears of repentance and these tears sprang up lilies.
The lilies were the signs of protection of the Knights Templar.



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