In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The water engine

The water engine

A hundred years ago Nikola Tesla stated that the internal combustion engine can also run on water.
Everyone who has studied chemistry knows well that the water can be, through electrolysis, broken down into molecules of hydrogen and oxygen.
Standard chemistry books claim that this process requires more energy than can be recovered when the gases are recombined to be reused.
This is true only under the worst case of unbalanced conditions of temperature / atmospheric pressure, etc…
When the water goes through current, using the system developed by Stan Meyers (the USA) and recently by Xogen Power, Inc., it dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen in a gaseous state with little electricity consumption.
Furthermore, the use of different electrolytes (additives that make the water conductor of electricity better) changes the efficiency of the process into hyperbolic. The production of unlimited amounts of hydrogen fuel can be made to power the motors (such as those installed in a car) because of the negligible cost of water.

It is even more surprising that a special metal union patented by Freedman (the USA) in 1957 that spontaneously transformed water into Hydrogen and Oxygen with no outside electrical input and without causing any chemical changes in the metal itself, is not optimized or used.

This special metal union can produce hydrogen from water for free, forever.


In summary:
The water is produced by the combustion of compounds that contain oxygen capable of producing, as can be verified by the reactions in stoichiometry, a certain amount of energy in a manner similar to the oxidation of a hydrocarbon present in fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.) which produces energy again, then is used or converted into mechanical energy to move a vehicle.
In other words, the water is the only means of a generator that converts water into hydrogen and oxygen.
In fact, this generator is the heart of electrolysis and through it HHO gas is received.
HHO gas is sent through the intake valve in the engine cylinder, where it is compressed, combusted, with production of energy, which makes the movement of the car, due to the lowering of the cylinder connected to the motor shaft, which through the transmission moves the vehicle, completely burning oxygen, protecting the environment from pollution.
A car that uses petrol, diesel or gas can be converted to the use of HHO gas.


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