In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Wireless energy


Wireless energy

Nikola Tesla, in his speech in Niagara, during the presentation of his transformer insisted that he was working at a “system” even easier.

Is the construction of his first transformer understood now, because modern scientists have not explained the realization of the wireless power transformer, even easier, as Tesla had said?

Subsequently it seems that Moray, an American scientist, was able to make it, but his equipment was destroyed and its patent was hidden.

It is said that the patent of Nikola Tesla of wireless energy is lost, or has been hidden by the American Secret Service.

It seems that no one has managed to invent a wireless energy transformer, although in his diary you will find a detailed description of the construction and operation of the equipment.

Now exclusively the whole history of Tesla’s wireless energy transformer will be published as it was told for the first time in his diary.


From the diary “Moji izumi” (My inventions) by Nikola Tesla published by the Nikola Tesla Museum


When I think of the events of my past life, I realize how small things may influence the formation of our destinies.

The event of my youth, may serve as an example.

One winter day, in the company of other boys, I managed to climb a very steep mountain.

The snow was quite deep and a warm southerly wind made it just suitable for our purpose. We amused ourselves by throwing balls which would roll down a certain distance, gathering more or less snow, and we tried to outdo one another in this exciting sport. Suddenly a ball was seen to go beyond the limit, swelling to enormous size until it became as big as a house and tumbled down into the valley below causing a great thunder that made the ground tremble. Stunned, I was watching the event, unable to understand what had happened. For weeks afterward the picture of the avalanche was before my eyes and I wondered how it was possible that something so small could grow to such an immense size. Ever since that time the magnification of feeble actions fascinated me, and when, years later, I took up the experimental study of mechanical and electrical resonance, I was keenly interested from the very start. Perhaps, if that event, that made such powerful impression, had not happened in my youth, I might not have followed up the little spark I obtained from my coils and never developed my best invention, the true history of which I’ll tell here for the first time. 

One day, as I was roaming in the mountains, I was looking for a shelter from an approaching storm. The sky was covered with dark clouds but it did not rain, suddenly, there was a lightning flash and a few moments later there was a deluge. This observation made me think.


It was obvious that the two phenomena were closely related as cause and effect.

Having thought much, I made the conclusion that the electrical energy that had caused the downfall of so much water was insignificant, while the lightning played the role of a sensitive trigger.

It was a wonderful opportunity to carry out an experiment.

If we could produce electrical effects in the required amount, the whole planet and the conditions of life on it could be changed.

The sun raises the water from the sea and the winds carry it to distant places by creating a very fragile balance of the weather.

If we were able to change it when and where we want, the mighty life sustaining stream could be controlled at will.

We could irrigate deserts, create lakes and rivers, and provide motive power in unlimited amounts.

For humans it would be the most effective way to use the sun.

It could also affirm our ability to develop electricity using the available nature resources.

It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I decided to try it, and immediately on my return to the United States in the summer of 1892, I began to work with more stimulation and curiosity, as I felt that the devices of the same type were necessary for the successful transmission of energy.


The first satisfactory results were obtained in the spring of the following year, when I reached tensions of about 1,000,000 volts with my conical coil.

It was not much, compared to what could have been achieved already at that time.

Till 1895, I continued to make progress in the field, when fire destroyed my laboratory, which can be deduced from an article by Martin, published in the April issue of the “Century Magazine.”

This unfortunate event set me back in many ways, and I spent almost the whole year to be devoted to the design and reconstruction of the laboratory.

Despite all this, as soon as circumstances allowed, I returned to my work.

Although I knew that to obtain a greater electromotive force was needed an apparatus of larger size, I had an instinctive perception that this can be achieved with the proper design of a small and compact transformer.

During the performance of tests, with the secondary form of a flat spiral, as described in my patents, I was surprised by the absence of attractive force, and soon after I found out that this was due to the shape and relative position of the coils.

To verify this observation, I decided to use high voltage cables with a large diameter coil, so that the cables were far enough from each other to keep down the distributed capacity, at the same time, preventing undue tension at any point.

Using this technique I was able to reach voltage of four million volts, I was close to the goal that I would surely achieve in my new laboratory of Houston Street, where I could produce sparks 16 feet in length.


A photo of the used transmitter used was published in the Electrical Review of November, 1898.

In order to continue to move forward in this direction, I left the lab, to finish finally the construction of the radio station to transmit wirelessly.

In spring of 1899 I went to Colorado, where I stayed for more than a year.

Here I made some improvements and perfected my system that allowed to receive electricity at any voltage.

For those who are interested will find some information in regard to the experiments carried out in Colorado in my article: “The problem of increasing human energy”, published in the Century Magazine of June, 1900.

The editor of the magazine “Electrical Experiment” asked me to explain clearly, so that my young friends, among the readers of the magazine, could understand the construction and operation of the “high voltage transmitter” and its purpose.

When the primary of this resonant transformer takes current, places the “secondary” under high voltage at any point of the surface, and feeds the distributed coils in space along the ideal cylindrical surface; the proper distance from each other feeds a small surface of current density, so that there is no contact, even when the conductor is uninsulated.

It is suitable for any frequency, from a few to many thousands of cycles per second, and can be used to generate strong currents with low voltage.

The maximum voltage depends mainly on the curves of the surface on which electrical charges are distributed and the size of their areas.

Based on previous experience, I think that it is perfectly possible to produce 100,000,000 volts.

On the other hand, the currents of several thousands of amperes may be obtained in the antenna.

To achieve this goal a device of modest dimensions is required.


Theoretically, it is sufficient to have a coil of 90 meters in diameter in order to obtain an electromotive force of this magnitude, while for the production of electrical energy, between 2000 and 4000 amperes at the usual frequencies the device must not exceed 30 meters in diameter.

More precisely, the energy due to radiation, measured in Hertz, of the waves in the wireless transmitter is a component entirely negligible in comparison with the total energy, for which the damping factor is very small, compared to a large amount of electricity that is stored in a terminal with high capacity.

This path can activate impulses of any kind, even low frequencies, and produces not damped sinusoids, oscillations similar to those of the alternators.

More generally, a resonant transformer, in addition to the mentioned properties, can be precisely proportioned to fit the terrestrial globe and its constants and properties.


Thanks to this type of project, it allows the wireless transmission of energy.

The distance has no meaning because the intensity of the transmitted pulse is not reduced.

It is also possible to increase the action by moving away the broadcasting station according to an exact mathematical law............................ ...............


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