In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Friday, March 07, 2025


Gospel of St. Luke


Gospel of St. Luke


Luke, a physician of Antioch, had good knowledge of Greek. He became a disciple and companion of the Apostle Paul in all his travels, he wrote the gospel, about which Paul says: "We sent with him the brother, who is praised in all the churches for the gospel," and writing to the Colossians says "My dear friend Luke, the physician, greets you," and to Timothy writes: "Only Luke is with me."
They also published another book entitled "The Acts of the Apostles," the history of which goes up to the second year of Paul's stay in Rome, that is until the fourth year of Nero, and we can argue that it was the book written in Rome.
Some people think that whenever Paul in his letters uses the phrase: "According to my gospel," wants to allude to the book of Luke. Luke, however, learned the gospel not only by the Apostle Paul, who did not live with the Lord during his earthly life, but also by other apostles, as he says at the beginning of his book such words: "Just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word."
He wrote the gospel as he had learned from the stories of others, while he compiled "the Acts of the Apostles" according to what he had seen himself.
He was buried in Constantinople, where, in the twentieth year of Constantine, his bones were transferred together with the relics of St. Andrew.

  • (St. Jerome: cpt. VII of the book "De viris illustribus").



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