In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Monday, March 31, 2025


The location of the Title of Equizio




The title of Equizio is located in the region that in Servian Rome was called "Esquilina" and in Augustan Rome "Tertia Regio", that of Isis and Serapis, an area where there are the most remarkable remains of "Domus aurea", the Baths of Titus as well as those of Trajan or Domitian, and there is the memory of the Portico of Livia, the Temple of Isis and Serapis, the lake of Orpheus at the beginning of Clivo Suburrano, the grove of beech trees with a temple sacred to Jupiter.

According to the latest topographic update Calle Oppio and Cispio as Forma Urbis Marmorea, the title of Equizio is situated near the center of the area that has borders with "vicus sabuci" (which coincides with the current Viale Monte Oppio ) "altar of Mercury" (which remains were found where now is the north side of the Square of St. Martin-Piazza di San Martino), "lacus et platea Orphei" from which in "caput suburrae" begins "clivus suburanus" (current Via in Selci) and the "domus M. Servili Fagiani "(which occupied the place where now Dominican monastery is).

Nearby, at the actual beginning of Via Giovanni Lanza, there was a mitreo and a nymph, ascertained by excavation.

This gave the hypothesis to Apollonj-Ghetti that the choice of location for the Christian title had taken place in the context of the struggle with the mystery cults: however, not all scholars agree with this hypothesis.


Taken from elaborate:


edited by Emanuele Boaga

for Basilica Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti

Via del Monte Oppio 28-00184 ROME

tel. 06-47.84.701 - fax 06-

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Parish of the Central Sector - Prefecture V – Rione Monti - 1˚Municipality

Presbyterial title: Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz

Entrusted to: Carmelites (O. Carm.)


Current Pastor: Fr. ADRIAN Ghiurca (O. CARM.)


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The Gospel of Saint Luke

The Gospel of St. Mark

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