In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Friday, March 07, 2025


The vicissitudies of title through the ages





In the ninth century Sergius II, besides taking care of the construction of the basilica, did some work of restoration and embellishment of title, a building above and a monastery.

In the thirteenth century the titular cardinal Giacomo Guala Bicchieri († 1227) entirely renewed the monastic building: this brought some restructuring in the title with the enlargement of the retaining walls.

Today from this fourteenth-century monastery remained the Romanesque tower and the rest of the adjacent wall with a few windows, externally visible from Piazza San Martino.

The monastery, already entrusted to the Benedictines by Sergio II and then passed to the secular clergy, was given to the Carmelites in 1299 by Boniface VIII.

In 1637 some work was done in the title including the adaptation of one of the local chapel in honor of St. Sylvester by the prior p. Antonio Filippini.

After the confiscation of church in 1873 by the Italian state, namely, in 1879 there was the sudden collapse of some walls above the title.

This resulted in a serious deterioration of the frescoes and structure of the title.

The hasty restoration of 1880 was done and expanded in the course of work carried out in 1930.

In the latter work the contribution of Vielliard was made to the revaluation of the title and its historical importance.


Taken from elaborate:


edited by Emanuele Boaga

for Basilica Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti

Via del Monte Oppio 28-00184 ROME

tel. 06-47.84.701 - fax 06-

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parish of the Central Sector - Prefecture V – Rione Monti - 1˚Municipality

Presbyterial title: Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz

Entrusted to: Carmelites (O. Carm.)


Current Pastor: Fr. ADRIAN Ghiurca (O. CARM.)


The Gospel of Saint John

The Gospel of Saint Luke

The Gospel of St. Mark

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