The letter O is present in all languages, and it looks like a disk of the sun, symbolizing perfection.
It is the fifteenth letter of the alphabet in English and Greek while it is the 16th in Russian and Cyrillic. The numerical value is 11 in English, 70 in Cyrillic. It has no equivalent in Hebrew. It is a sacred character of many ancient peoples. It is included in OM or AUM - the mystical syllable that is a sign of creation. It is a sacred word of the Brahmins and Buddhists. As an interjection it is an expression of astonishment, admiration, exhaustion. From the symbolic point of view it represents limit, circle, smooth and look around.
According to the Slavs O is the letter of the gods. So it is a magical road or a tree, on which God makes the journey to the heaven.
Letter A - Â stands for the sound, the great mystical power and acts of magic.
Letter C - is considered to be sacred because it contains the first letter of Christ.
Letter E - It is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. It includes all aspects of the soul.