In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Monday, March 31, 2025


The letter T


The letter T


The modern form of the letter T is obtained by the changes of various forms of the cross. In the archaic Phoenician alphabet it was shaped like St. Andrew’s cross, similar to the modern letter X. To write the letter T it was used the sign of the cross and a semi-circle. In the ancient Greek language to write the letter T, as the Phoenicians, it was used the sign of the cross of St. Andrew, and sometimes included a circle.

Later, the Greeks passed the letter to the Romans as a modern letter T. In archaic Hebrew to write this letter it was used the ordinary sign of a cross, which is the sign of St. Andrew’s cross. Tau is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its number is 400. Its symbol is a roof. The roof protects from the elements. Its planet is the Sun. Tau is the 19th letter in the Greek alphabet. In Latin, Russian and Cyrillic T is the 20th letter of the alphabet. The numerical value of the letter in the Cyrillic alphabet is 300, while in Latin - 160. As a symbol it includes the balance of opposites - the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.

T is the Slavic letter of the warrior spirit. The value of the Slavic letter "T" is sacrifice, without which it is impossible to materialize. This is the content of this sacred letter. But sacrifice is not just a gift to the gods; the idea of sacrifice involves the sacrifice of oneself.


Letter L - According to Kabbalah the letter L stands for the principle of power, it is an integral part of the name of God (Limmud).

Letter M - It is believed that the letter M is the most sacred: masculine and feminine agree in it, it represents the symbol of water.

Letter D - It is a letter of Phoenician origin. It is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet - Delta - where the world began.

Letter A -  stands for the sound, the great mystical power and acts of magic.

Letter C - is considered to be sacred because it contains the first letter of Christ.

Letter B - In alchemy B expresses the relationship between the four main elements. It contains an element of composition of all things.

Letter E - It is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. It includes all aspects of the soul.

Letter F -  represents a vertical axis that brings divine energies. It symbolizes the balance of thoughts, body and spirit.

Letter O -  is present in all languages, and it looks like a disk of the sun, symbolizing perfection.

Letter R - It is connected with the divine name Rahim (mercy). Road (in English). The roads have no beginning and no end ...

Letter P - In Kabbalah Pe symbolized the mouth. P has the meaning of victory, willpower and self-control.

Letter S - In Latin graphically S is a snake like a spiral. It gives the idea of the double helix that seems to complete each other.

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