In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The peacock - symbolism


The peacock - symbolism

The peacock is connected with astral symbols and may represent the cosmos, the sky, the circle, the sun or the moon (because of the shape and color of the tail). In India it is a solar bird, the bird of many gods, particularly, of Buddha. In Indian mythology, to draw its wings, reminiscent of many eyes, represents the image of a starry sky. While for a peacock a day is a night, and a night is a day.

The peacock with a snake in its beak represents the victory of the light over the darkness.

The beautiful feathers of the peacock act as antidote to the poison of a snake. The peacock depicted on Roman coins was a symbol of apotheosis. In Islam, the peacock’s glorious vision with its magnificent tail indicates either the universe, or the full moon or the sun or the zenith. The peacock is attributed to the real beauty, as well as incorruptibility, courage and endurance. The peacock was associated with fertility and immortality. Sometimes it was inserted into the world tree, symbolically emphasized the abundance and fertility. Probably in ancient Persia a pair of peacocks, imaged symmetrically on both sides of the world tree, represented the duality (in the context of the overall symbolism of the twins) and at the same time its upper unit. For the Greeks peacocks represented the attribute of the immortal gods, and were dedicated to Hera, the wife of Zeus. In India, the peacock was regarded as the real bird, and it was held in the menagerie of the palace. In Hindu mythology, the peacock was connected with solar symbols and was revered as a sacred bird. According to the legend, the world Sufi spirit, created by God, has the shape of a peacock. In Christian art the peacock is a symbol of immortality.

Image By GuideYourPet


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